

If you find yourself needing help with Senior Housing, Meal Delivery, Home Care, Transportation, In-Home Nurse or Doctor visits, there are local groups that can help you locate these resources. You can also find local resources by calling 211 or visit, for more information.


Upcoming Events 

Senior Health Fair

Stop by the Renton Senior Center's annual Senior Health Fair on October 25th, 2020. From 10-2pm you can browse booths, take a sample sit and be fit class, and enjoy light refreshments. I will be there with information about Medicare and to answer any questions you...

9/12/2020 Medicare Q&A At Home Gardens

Join me for a 1 hour Q&A session, open to the public, at Home Gardens. Light refreshments will be served and there will be an opportunity for an optional tour of the facility. Location: Home Gardens Retirement Community, 1234 Main Ave S. Date & Time:...

8/25/2020 Medicare 101 @ Angola Library

Join me on August 25th for an introduction to Medicare. This class will cover Medicare Advantage Plans, Supplement Plans and Part D. Location: Angola Library 1234 Main Ave S. Date & Time: 8/25/2020 7pm-8pm



The Social Security Administration’s website 

The Medicare Rights Center’s blog

Medicare’s website

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website

Medicaid’s website


What We’re Talking About

5 Questions to Ask When Applying For Medicare

5 Questions to Ask When Applying For Medicare

1. Can I keep my doctor? 2. Will I be covered if I go out of state? 3. Will my drug be covered? 4. How much will it cost to see my Primary Care Doctor 5. Can I go to any doctor with this plan?

How To Choose A Prescription Drug Plan

How To Choose A Prescription Drug Plan

When considering a drug plan, it is important to make sure that all the drugs you take are covered under the plan you are considering. Each company has its own group of prescriptions they cover and have their own specific costs to each. You want to make sure you get...

3 Online Fitness Apps That Keep You Moving

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